
Ørnes Trading Post


The place has a history dating back to 1794 when ship captain Elling Pedersen was granted privileges to operate an inn and engage in trade here. At its peak, the site housed 12-14 buildings, three of which still stand today. These are among the oldest houses in Ørnes and are named Hovedhuset (the Main House), Gammelbakeriet (the Old Bakery), and Smia (the Smithy).

Ørnes Trading Post was listed as a protected site in 1942 and has undergone significant renovations in recent years. The main house at the trading post features an exhibition on Ørnes Trading Post and its role in the community development of Meløy.

In the bakery, there is an exhibition that tells the story of the 12 brave commandos who, under the codename Operation Muskedunder, attacked the power plant at Fykan in 1942 to disrupt the Nazi aluminum production in Glomfjord.

Additionally, we also assist you in discovering what Meløy has to offer in terms of historical and cultural experiences. The site also houses a museum shop and a cozy café where you can enjoy delicious homemade cakes in the warm ambiance of the trading post’s garden.

Ørnes Trading Post is part of the Nordland Museum.

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