
The old doctor’s farm Breidablikk

Opening hours

Åpningstider sesongen 2024:

25.06 – 16.08.2024 tirsdag – søndag kl. 11.00 – 17.00


Welcome to the old doctor’s farm, Breidablikk! Here, you can enjoy traditional lefse and cakes from the doctor’s wife’s little café. Knowledgeable hosts are happy to give you a tour of the rural museum.

At the doctor’s office, you can learn about the district doctor’s working conditions at the turn of the last century. After visiting the doctor’s family’s elegant living rooms, you can peek into a tenant farmer’s cottage, a village smithy, and visit a charming old shop.

The museum is surrounded by a beautiful garden, where you can enjoy the sight of historical perennials that traditionally belonged to the old doctor’s garden.

Steigen Bygdetun is located on Engeløya, which has a rich and long history evident around the museum. The museum is perfect for those who want a stop while exploring Engeløya and for those interested in delving into the farm’s exciting history.

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